Background Research
Chawla, L., ed. (2002). Growing Up in an Urbanising World. UNESCO: Paris and Earthscan: London.
Derr, V., Chawla, L., & van Vliet, W. (2017). Children as Natural Change Agents. In K. Bishop & L. Corkery (Eds.). Designing Cities with Children and Young People (pp. 24-35). Routledge.
Graham, G.N. (2016). Why Your ZIP Code Matters More Than Your Genetic Code: Promoting Healthy Outcomes from Mother to Child. Breastfeed Med., 11, 396-7.
Holmes, J.R., Tootoo, J.L., Chosy, E.J., Bowie, A.Y., & Starr, R.R. (2018). Examining Variation in Life Expectancy Estimates by ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) in Hawaii’s Four Main Counties, 2008–2012. Prev Chronic Dis., 15:E114. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.180035
Joassart-Marcelli, P. (2010). Leveling the Playing Field? Urban Disparities in Funding for Local Parks and Recreation in the Los Angeles Region. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42, 5, 1174–1192.
Lynch, K. (1977). Growing Up in Cities. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA
Nutsford, D., Pearson, A.L., Kingham, S. (2013). An ecological study investigating the association between access to urban green space and mental health. Public Health, 127, 1005-1011
Owens, P. E. (2001). No Teens Allowed: the Exclusion of Adolescents from Public Spaces. Landscape Journal, 21, 1–2, 156–163.
Owens, P. E. (2020). A Fundamental Need: Linking adolescent development to the public realm. In J. Loebach, S. Little, A. Cox & P.E. Owens (Eds). Fostering the Inclusion of Youth in the Public Realm: Design practices, processes and policies for the creation of youth-inclusive public outdoor environments. (pp. 7-22). Routledge.
Welch, B. Rusli, An. Thomas, A. Dahlin, M. Taylor, M. (2020). Philadelphia Youth Call for Equitable Development. In J. Loebach, S. Little, A. Cox & P.E. Owens (Eds). Fostering the Inclusion of Youth in the Public Realm: Design practices, processes and policies for the creation of youth-inclusive public outdoor environments. (pp.196-208). Routledge.
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